Hello !
We are Omkar Bhatkar characters.
Welcome to the imaginary realms of this eccentric man about whom we actually know some things!
For instance, we know that he was born in Bombay and was enchanted in his growing up days with painting. When he was a child he knew that he wanted to teach one day. We must confess that initially he was interested in Microbiology but gradually it was Social Sciences that took him away. We know all these things because we live inside his head and we move there to see ‘what all is hidden in corners here and there’.
At times he catches us lurking in corners and then he makes us migrate from one play to another; in a certain extent we are his meteorites which return with a certain frequency in some of his plays.
This man often lives on the sea in his head, we believe without the sea he will be deprived of inspiration to write plays or poetry. While watching his work you might feel uncomfortable but don’t worry this is precisely what this gentleman aims at: rather to move the reader than to deliver clear messages. He thinks Art doesn’t make any sense if it doesn’t stirs the emotional state of the reader and therefore most of his plays are existentialist.
When it comes to Teaching, we dare not venture out. He is very focused while doing his academic work and leaves the fiction out of window but he makes sure that takes creativity with him everywhere be it to the class, meeting room and the stage.
To amuse himself he writes poems and paints with mixed medium. he doesn’t let us bother him there and prefers his solitude. He only talks when necessary but if you strike the right chord with him then he can speak without an end. He is crepuscular , so now you know when can you talk to him.