Written and Directed by Omkar Bhatkar

The play examines the randomness of life. Nothing is under our control and at times we shoul just let go- just let it be what it will. The play explores different forms of love.

– Love that is Innocent
– Love that is a Fairy Tale
– Love that has a thought behind
– Love that vacillates between friendship and commitment
– Love resulting out of loneliness and seclusion.

The play is about how the protagonist spends a particular night contemplating and reminiscing about days long gone by.Letters, calendars, pictures, posters all come to life as Amol looks back into his past remembering the good and the bad.

Metamorphosis Theatre Inc Presentation

Written and Directed by Omkar Bhatkar

Five short stories in a never ending search begin on a journey that incessantly returns to the past blurring the present.

Metamorphosis Theatre Inc Presentation

Directed By Omkar Bhatkar

Leïli and Nils are in the same class. Leïli likes to hunt, dress like boys, and gel her short hair. Nils likes to wear his hair long, shows his emotions, and is not physically strong. Neither conforms to gendered roles that society dictates. Told through the voices of Leïli and Nils, this intimate and poignant theater piece transports the audience into the mind of young boys and girls confronting the cultural stereotypes imposed on them as they come of age.

Alliance Française de Bombay in collaboration with St. Andrew’s Centre for Philosophy & Performing Arts and Metamorphosis Theatre Inc

Source: Thehindubusinessline.com

Written & Directed by Omkar Bhatkar

The play is a realistic drama, a satire about human nature, talking about people like you and me…sometimes cynical, sometimes shallow, witty and ridiculous, generous and coward in the same time. The play creates a sad and ludicrous universe, its two characters “Man with stick” and “Man with hat” resemble Vladimir and Estragon from Beckett’s “Waiting for Godot”, experiencing an absurd revelation, engaged in a game of power and free will. Conversing about absurd life events, Pockets Full of Breads has some very crunchy lines penned by the Romanian playwright Matéi Visniec.

Alliance Française de Bombay in collaboration with St. Andrew’s Centre for Philosophy & Performing Arts and Metamorphosis Theatre Inc

Written by Bernard-Marie Koltès
Directed by Omkar Bhatkar

The night just before the forests is a stream of words that opens up the view onto an unsettled world. This fathomless monologue travels through urban alienation, capitalist world, dysfunctional society and loneliness of a broken soul trying to be strong to hit hard against the society yet frail.

Alliance Française de Bombay in collaboration with St. Andrew’s Centre for Philosophy & Performing Arts and Metamorphosis Theatre Inc

Written by Wajdi Mouawad
Directed by Omkar Bhatkar

Scorched is a powerful, beautifully penned story that paves a path to a mother’s unspeakable pain. Simon and his twin sister Janine have been summoned to the notary’s office to hear the last will and testament of their mother, Nawal. Each is handed an envelope to deliver letters to a father they thought was dead and a brother they never knew existed. And so the mystery begins. These tasks lead them on a suspenseful journey to the heart of their mother’s war-torn Middle Eastern homeland. In this land, where civil war, massacre, and revenge constitute a way of life, the twins uncover shocking secrets about their mother’s concealed history as a political activist and prisoner of war and also about themselves and their origins.

Alliance Française de Bombay in collaboration with St. Andrew’s Centre for Philosophy & Performing Arts and Metamorphosis Theatre Inc

Written by Matéi Visniec
Directed by Omkar Bhatkar

In this play The texts are like the fragments of a broken mirror. At one time, the object existed in perfect condition. It reflected the sky, the world, and the human soul. And there was – no one knows when or why – the explosion. The remaining pieces are undoubtedly part of the original substance. And it is within this adherence to the original substance that their unity resides, their perfume, their atmospheric identity. The play is grotesque in nature & makes an attempt to move between the real and metaphorical decomposition of the being.

Alliance Française de Bombay in collaboration with St. Andrew’s Centre for Philosophy & Performing Arts and Metamorphosis Theatre Inc

Written by Rémi De Vos
Directed by Omkar Bhatkar

TILL DEATH US DO PART is a black comedy for three truly infernal actors. It is also the story of a family, of a son who returns to his mother’s home with an urn that contains the ashes of his grandmother who has just been incinerated. This fairly tragic moment is the starting point for a comic action that unfolds inexorably with clockwork precision. In memory of Classical farce, a black comedy brought to you by Alliance Française de Bombay & St. Andrew’s Centre for Philosophy & Performing Arts

Alliance Française de Bombay in collaboration with St. Andrew’s Centre for Philosophy & Performing Arts and Metamorphosis Theatre Inc

Written by Bernard-Marie Koltès
Directed by Omkar Bhatkar

Back in the early 1980s, a young Italian man landed in a psychiatric prison for brutally stabbing his mother and father. He escaped only to leave such a gruesome trail of crimes that by the time he was 24, he was dubbed the most wanted man in France, Italy and Switzerland. The chilling story of Roberto Succo has fascinated many, including noted French playwright Bernard-Marie Koltès whose final play, Roberto Zucco, was inspired by his life.

Alliance Française de Bombay in collaboration with St. Andrew’s Centre for Philosophy & Performing Arts and Metamorphosis Theatre Inc

Source: Mid Day

Written by Jean Genet
Directed by Omkar Bhatkar

Genet loosely based his play on the infamous sisters Christine and Léa Papin, who brutally murdered their employer and her daughter in Le Mans, France, in 1933. Solange and Claire are two housemaids who construct elaborate sadomasochistic rituals when their Madame is away. The focus of their role-playing is the murder of Madame and they take turns portraying both sides of the power divide. Their deliberate pace and devotion to detail guarantees that they always fail to actualize their fantasies by ceremoniously “killing” Madame at the ritual’s dénouement.

The Play is performed in 360° seating, where the audience sits on all four sides.

Alliance Française de Bombay in collaboration with St. Andrew’s Centre for Philosophy & Performing Arts and Metamorphosis Theatre Inc

Source: Mid Day